Sunday, 22 March 2009

FEEDing on New Technology

Shame on me…Unfortunately last Thursday I was absent from class ‘cos I was sick and I missed the important lesson on feeds and feed aggregators. By the way, although I’m unfamiliar with Internet technologies, I managed to follow the walkthroughs given by the teacher. I created my account in a feed aggregator (Bloglines) and started to subscribe to the feeds I was most interested in.
I think feed aggregators, and feeds as well, are amazing tools to keep track of the blogs or websites you like to visit. After the initial ‘technical’ effort, I realized that these tools give me a lot of interesting opportunities! I created my page on the aggregator, I subscribed to the feeds I was interested in and I made my playlists…ok, these things took time, but in the end it was worth it…Once I started to run my feeds’ page properly, it became very easy to find news, images, information, all kinds of things…and keep me updated on them!

Basically, a feed is a piece of information (in a particular format) used for providing subscribers with frequently updated content. Subscribing to a feed of any blog or website is like signing a subscription with magazines or newspapers…except for the fact that feeds are FREE!
Isn’t it amazing? I just go into my Bloglines’ page and I immediately see all the news about the feeds I subscribed to! This will totally cut down the time I usually need to search for information online, and will provide me only with the news I want…’cos I decide what to keep track of!

That’s all guys…
Let me know about your experience with feeds so far…


(photo source)

1 reactions:

Francesca said...

Hi Giorgia!

I had the same problem last week :( anyway, we made a good job!I didn't know anything about feeds before..well,I still have to become acquainted with them but there's plenty of time ;)

I read your explanation and I found it very clear and pleasant to read!And I like your style so much!It's never boring and I think this is one of the most important quality when you write a blog!

See you tomoroooooow!