Monday, 23 March 2009

Good Chances II

Hello all,

Hope you’re doing well!

Does anybody know the American serial Prison Break? Well, I started watching it in 2005, since the first time it was broadcast in Italy. Obviously, I watched the first two seasons in Italian, but a few weeks ago…(suspense like in a drama serial!)…straight from the U.S.A. …a friend of mine brought to me the complete third season and part of the fourth in the original language! I was so excited!
Unfortunately I’d had some troubles with the dvd player, so I watched the first episode only a few days ago.
I have to admit that I sometimes missed some words, especially those of the actors who spoke with strong (strange *--*) accents! However, after the initial panic I decided to watch it as I watch to any Italian movie or serial, that is to say, relaxed! (thank you, Sarah, for your advice!)
I missed some words…Ok, fine. I didn’t understand the meaning of some words…Ok, fine. Accents made the listening difficult…Ok, fine. However, in the end I tell you what they were talking about, I can tell you the plot of the episode because I was relaxed, and when I missed a word there was an image, or a sound, or a gesture that helped me to understand. I realized that listening (and understand!) doesn’t involve only ears!
BTW, watching movies and serials in English can be fun and useful at the same time…And you know that it’s difficult to join these things together :P

Talk to you soon!

(photo source)

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